
VistaJet launches a celestial, mid-autumn experience

By Haziq Yusof 1 August, 2024

The mid-autumn festival experience lets you plan your flights around the phases of the moon

Anyone who has read their fair share of leadership and business literature has, at one time or another, become intimately familiar with the adage of reaching for the stars. Sure, the phrase may border on the cliché today, but the message of steeling oneself to aim for the highest peaks remains relevant, even if it’s a little worn-out.

Just like in the world of professional development, the maxim maintains a prominent place in private air travel—an industry brimming with big players who continuously and relentlessly endeavour to innovate and push past the status quo. As if to prove the point, the launch of global aviation company VistaJet’s mid-autumn experience promises a sustained bid for the stars yet again, albeit in a more literal sense this time.

interior of a jet under vistajet
VistaJet has launched a mid-autumn campaign that lets you curate celestial nights. Photo by VistaJet

From 1 August till the end of September 2024, VistaJet is offering its passengers a truly unique celestial experience to celebrate the mid-autumn festival. Using the aviation company’s recently launched moon prediction tool (now available on VistaJet’s website), passengers can plan their flights based on the lunar phase, ensuring they will witness the moon at its most beautiful during their journey. Whether you prefer a full moon casting its light or a crescent moon adorning the night sky, you’ll be able to curate a celestial sojourn tailored just for you. 

interior of a private jet under vista jet
VistaJet lets you luxuriate on the finest jets in the world. Photo by VistaJet

“Inspired by the attractive powers of the moon,” says Matteo Atti, chief marketing officer of VistaJet, “we seamlessly blend time-honoured cultural traditions with innovation, crafting a series of exclusive pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight experiences.”

Speaking of in-flight experiences, you’ll be served delectable, traditional delicacies like mooncakes and glutinous rice balls as you celebrate the mid-autumn festival on board. Whipped up by VistaJet’s private dining partners, the treats are the perfect accompaniment to your private meals served during the flight. And if you’re flying from selected Asian cities, you’ll be able to sample artisan Eva Aguilera’s biodynamic, hand-harvested Arbequina olive oil, of which a total of only 650 litres are crafted annually in Catalunya. 

bottle of olive oil on a table
You’ll be able to sample Eva Aguilera’s biodynamic, hand-harvested Arbequina olive oil. Photo by VistaJet

 If you wish to extend the mid-autumn festivities after your flight, VistaJet has partnered with Four Seasons Maui to offer the “Celestial Wayfinder’s Journey”, a private sailing excursion led by Kala Baybayan Tanaka. There, passengers will explore the ocean using the stars as their guide. 
