
Robb Report Singapore Thought Leader: Dr. Samuel Wong, co-founder of The TENG Company

By Robb Report Singapore 12 September, 2024

“I’m passionate about using music to meet the diverse needs of our communities.” – Dr. Samuel Wong

Art transcends language, culture, and time, telling stories and evoking emotions. This dynamic realm finds its champion in Dr. Samuel Wong, creative director and co-founder of The TENG Company, a pioneering non-profit arts organisation in Singapore that reimagines local Chinese music—for a good cause.

Founded in 2004, The TENG Company is dedicated to “Music for Good”, an initiative that empowers future musicians and uplifts underserved communities through innovative musical outreach. Its flagship program, TENG Gives Back, is a collaboration with the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory at the National University of Singapore that uses the power of live music to soothe the sick and elderly.

Dr. Samuel Wong, who is also an acclaimed author, has penned works like Impressions of a Pipa Player and QI: An Instrumental Guide to the Chinese Orchestra. As an adjunct faculty member at the University at Buffalo-Singapore Institute of Management and Lasalle College of the Arts, he has been committed to shaping the next generation of musicians for over 14 years. With a PhD in ethnomusicology, Wong’s career blends artistry, education, and social entrepreneurship, cementing his role as a key figure in Singapore’s cultural and musical scene.

How do you see your industry evolving in the next five years?

The intersection of the arts, technology, and health is experiencing a significant convergence, with an increased focus on mental health. This emerging field is one we are passionately exploring at TENG. In 2022, we introduced Music for Mindfulness–infusing Binaural Beats into Chinese instrumental music. The resulting album offers a contemporary, easy-listening experience designed to alleviate stress.

Building on this project, we are now collaborating with Direct Funeral Services to research the impact of monaural beats on grief, aiming to create Music for Comfort, a soothing auditory experience to aid in the healing process.

What is a major challenge your industry faces?

When discussing the local music scene, many Singaporeans only recall renowned local singers. However, the invaluable contributions of our composers, who are integral to the industry, often go underappreciated. As we continue to define and cultivate the unique Singapore sound, it is imperative to recognise and support these talented individuals.

Through initiatives like The Singaporean Composers Series, we strive to create opportunities for local composers, enabling them to push the boundaries of musical expression and enrich the canon of Singapore-made music.

How do you handle setbacks in your professional life?

I strive to remove emotions from the equation, and have a data-driven approach to understand why or how I failed. With this, I can analyse pitfalls more clearly and manage similar situations more effectively in the future. While this approach can be challenging due to our inherently emotional nature, it offers a sense of assurance and stability as it is usually grounded in logic.

What value is the most important to you?

Integrity is the cornerstone of all decision-making. For decisions to be sustainable, they must withstand the test of time, which can only be achieved through unwavering integrity.

The TENG Company

Photography by Franz Navarrete / Hair & Makeup by Greg’O