
Interview with Parisian glass artist Nathalie Ziegler Pasqua: “Adding a touch of glass to a room with minimal light can make a big difference”

By Hazel Vincent De Paul 14 May, 2019
Interview with Nathalie Ziegler - Concourse Skyline Penthouse by Robb Report

Parisian artist Nathalie Ziegler Pasqua is using a special glass to breathe new life into bespoke chandeliers

Mention the name ‘Nathalie Ziegler Pasqua’ to any in-the-know decor enthusiast, and you’ll probably be greeted with a big smile. And it’s not hard to understand why, because the artist’s stunning glass lighting creations are giving new meaning to the word bespoke. Each exclusive piece is carefully handmade with glass, and has graced many an art museum or gallery around the world. We caught up with her to discuss the custom Flower Glass chandelier – a special commission by Affluency and Robb Report Singapore – which currently sits within the Armoire at the Concourse Skyline Penthouse by Robb Report.

What inspired the Flower Glass chandelier’s design?

I’m in love with orchids, and I know this flower is also an important part of Singapore’s history. You’ve got the most amazing garden for orchids here, too, and that’s what made me think of using it for the chandelier – it was akin to creating a big garden of orchids for the Penthouse.

Can you walk us through the chandelier’s design process?

It’s a long one. You have to consider the space [the chandelier will be in], so I normally begin with a drawing and think about the colour I want it to be. Then I work on the structure, which is a lengthy construction process. It’s very technical, but I don’t view it as a challenge.

What did you use to create the chandelier?

It’s made from a very special glass you can’t really find anymore. It’s called opal glass, and it’s something used in radiography machines. This glass is quite an amazing thing because when you put light behind it, it gets distributed beautifully; that’s the magic of this glass.

When you look at real orchids, it’s something very pure and transparent, and I think this glass is the closest material to use to recreate white orchids. I think it helps elevate and successfully translate the orchid’s design; you’ll see all the details when you take a picture.

What challenges did you face in installing the chandelier?

I can’t really say I faced one specific challenge. There are so many little things to consider. When I install the chandelier, I have to concentrate hard because all the steps are important for the end, and the end result just has to be magic.

What drew you to use glass as the main element in your work?

Glass is about reflection; it’s what you use when you want transparency. Working with glass, for me, is like initiating a big discussion, and I feel it takes me on a journey. Even when you have a room without much light, adding a touch of glass can make such a big difference, because the glass will absorb the light within the room and brighten it up.

Have you ever considered working with any other medium besides glass?

Always, but somehow, I always return to glass. I’m completely in love with it. I’m currently thinking about projects where I can use blown glass, too.

Other than flowers, what other elements of nature inspire you?

There are so many. I’m in love with all kinds of organic things. I’ve done beautiful pieces with snakes and birds. One of my inspirations is [the garden of] Eden, too.

Nathalie Ziegler Pasqua