
New Year’s Resolutions: The Robb Report Singapore team share their wellness, financial and travel goals for 2019

By Tash Mahnokaren 3 January, 2019
New Year's Resolutions 2019

Forget your complex resolutions this year and trade them in for simpler, attainable milestones instead

It’s become a tradition to set lofty resolutions every time the New Year rolls around. #NewYearNewMe, you say, but as hard as it is to admit, these resolutions typically meet their demise halfway through the year.

This year, skip the resolutions and instead, set yourself smaller, more achievable goals. What’s the difference? A resolution is often a do-or-die accomplishment, whereas a goal is, by definition, something you work towards progressively. The path to success doesn’t have to be defined by a calendar year, and can continue long after you’ve set your initial goal. Wondering where to start with your 2019 goals? Get a little inspo from the Robb Report Singapore team.

Allisa Noraini, Junior Writer

“I’m hoping to master a new skill on each of my travels, whether it’s learning a new craft or how to cook a foreign dish. I also want to learn how to jet-ski and even try a flying trapeze class. I think it’s one way to make travelling more worthwhile and gratifying. Also, isn’t it much more thrilling to pick up a new skill in a foreign country? Make travelling great again, folks.”

Charmaine Tai, Editor And Content Strategist

“I’d like to exercise at least three times a week, and complete my first ever 10km run at the upcoming Run For Hope Singapore 2019. I actually dislike running a whole lot more than people think, but there’s no denying you feel good after ‘sweating it out’. Plus, there’s no harm in getting a fitter (read: hotter) body… right?”

Crystal Lee, Marketing And Content Strategist

“My goal is simple; I want to fully immerse myself in the present and be grateful for everything that I have.”

Daryl Lee, Motoring Editor

“I hope to get my physical fitness back on track in 2019. I’ve pretty much spent a year off of the bike, so going back terrifies me somewhat, if only to see how far I’ve fallen from glory and perhaps take up go-karting again?”

Hazel Vincent De Paul, Junior Editor

“It’s to finally start a retirement fund because I want to spend my fast-approaching golden years on a beach in Greece, sipping Champagne and writing novels instead of wiping tables at the Golden Arches. My goal is to also travel more in the next few years, with Rajasthan right at the top of my list.”

Jacqueline Danam, Chief Sub-Editor

“This will be a year of watching my weight; not just literally but metaphorically, too. I’d like to eat more nutritious foods, make time for exercise and get rid of all the ephemera I’ve accumulated over the last few decades. Yes, my dear beloved junk, it’s time for me to let you go!”

Jeshua Lim, Sales Manager

“One of my goals is to speak and understand the Korean language better. It has been two-and-a-half years since I started lessons, but I’m still unable to fully communicate with native Korean speakers while travelling in South Korea. Language is never the easiest to pick up when we’re adults, but if others can do it, so can I.”

June Chen, Marketing Manager

“Getting myself back in shape; I’ve totally stopped exercising after I got married six months ago. I’d also like to get more cats, because cats are better than kids!”

Perlyn Derouvray, Director, Regional Sales

“I want to get in shape by exercising and also spend more precious moments with my baby.”

Tash Mahnokaren, Editorial, Sales and Marketing Assistant

“I want to focus on myself. Here’s to health, wealth, youth and happiness.”