
Rolls-Royce is making its own honey, and it’s as exclusive as its cars

By Daryl Lee 28 April, 2020
rolls-royce honey

Sorry, honey. This is only available for guests of the celebrated British marque and for customers speccing out their new Rolls-Royce, sadly

rolls royce honey
Rolls-Royce may not be making cars at the moment, but it is producing honey

The home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood may just be emerging from a month-long shutdown (two weeks imposed by the coronavirus outbreak, with another two from a scheduled Easter maintenance), but some workers on its campus in the Sussex countryside have been beavering away in spite of that.

Numbering a quarter-of-a-million in six factories, these workers have been quietly going about their production duties unfazed in that time. 

We are, of course, talking about the army of English honey bees that have been given their own production facility on the Rolls-Royce campus. 

Housed in six apiaries, each bearing handcrafted polished steel nameplates crafted in a similar fashion to the ones used on Rolls-Royce’s cars, the bees produce what can only be described as the Rolls-Royce of honeys. 

As with the vehicles Rolls-Royce produces, the honey produced isn’t exactly easy to come by, and to get served some, you’ll either have to be a guest of the factory, or when customising your new car in the factory’s Atelier suite. 

But more than just being a nice treat for visitors and guests, the production of the Rolls-Royce honey also serves to aid in the sustainability of local wildlife, of which the honey bees happen to be a declining species owing to habitat loss. 
