The luxury wellness centre now offers therapies using Espa products
New year, new me. Well, not quite, but I’ve decided to step up and take better care of my appearance. Hitting the 30s has been hard – the adulting handbook made no mention about just how often I’d be asked about my skincare routine. Thankfully, Fullerton Spa’s newest signature facial, has helped put those questions at bay.
Having swapped its partnership with Aromatherapy Associates for Espa (one of Singapore’s most highly lauded standalone spas), Fullerton Spa has unveiled a new range of treatments, all of which are carried out using Espa’s products.
My therapist, Diane, takes me through a series of questions, including the usual concerns I have with my skin, and improvements I’d like to see. She disappears, then returns with two vials of oil, and I’m told to select one based on scent.
It’s a tough choice, because neither really appeals to me, but I go with Balancing. Diane nods in approval, later telling me that the lemon and rose geranium oils used caters to those with oily and combination skin, making it highly fitting for my profile. Optimal, on the other hand, is meant for those with normal to dry skin. Coincidence or not – Diane insists it’s my body telling me what to go with – we head to the treatment room to begin.

Lights out
My skin is cleansed with Espa’s hydrating cleansing milk, before undergoing a vision lamp analysis. The results: my T-zone is oily, while my cheeks and temples are dry. The latter is slightly surprising, since the Profhilo injections I did a while back are meant to hydrate my skin. There’s also the presence of dead skin cells.
My eyes remain closed throughout the treatment – I’m lulled into a slumber during the steaming and scrubbing, the latter which uses Espa’s Optimal Skin Pro-Cleanser, where the scrubbing beads slowly dissolve into the skin. The extraction though, jolts me awake. No pain, no gain as they say, and hell, it was a whole lot of pain.
The same cleanser is used once again as a face mask, and a second round of steaming occurs, opening my pores to allow for better absorption. In the meantime, Balancing Oil is used for the neck-and-shoulder massage. Now, depending on whether you’re awake, or have fallen back asleep, the therapist will decide on the appropriate foot massage treatment.
Lights on
My face is cleansed a third and final time – before eye serum and moisturiser are applied. It feels more matte than glowy, just the way I like it. My only gripe is that the 90 minutes flew by way too quickly.
Perhaps during the next visit, I’d request for the Asian Heritage Signature massage prior to the facial. While the usual massages start with guests lying on their bellies, this one requires them to face upwards first. The 90-minute session includes a series of body stretches, along with a watercress and pink mud mask. It sounds rather lush, and make a great way to kick off the weekend.