Silver Lining
It’s no secret that the luxury industry is still grappling with the general economic slowdown. To thwart this sluggish growth, some luxury brands have been broadening their horizons and pinning their hopes on homewares to boost the bottom line. This week, Tiffany & Co. debuted its range of home accessories, most of which are handcrafted in sterling silver.
It’s the first such line under Tiffany’s chief artistic officer Reed Krakoff, who was appointed to the post in January. It’s not an entirely new venture for Krakoff, however. In 2016, prior to his appointment, Krakoff was creative consultant for the brand. During that stint, he conceptualised a series of holiday gifts, homewares and accessories.

The brand isn’t alone in its home- and design-led push. Earlier this week, we reported on Gucci’s new line of furnishings and home accessories. The Florentine brand doesn’t actually need a boost – it grew 51.4 per cent in the first quarter of 2017. But hey, padding the bottom line is never a bad thing.
Another House that hardly needs any padding is Hermes. Yet, in October, an exhibition at its flagship boutique in Liat Towers will focus on all things home. You can read more about what to expect here. In the meantime, back to Tiffany, and what we love about the line.

It advocates beauty in everyday objects
Tiffany’s ethos is that beautiful objects need not be reserved for special occasions, but used in everyday situations. We couldn’t agree more. Why save your silverware only for entertaining, or during the festive season? Why not eat off a silver plate at mealtimes? It’s Tiffany’s way of making ordinary objects extraordinary.

It makes work fun
Beautiful things, the brand believes, shouldn’t live in a drawer. Ergo, Krakoff designed a collection of traditional office supplies and desk accessories, employing sterling silver, enamel and wood to elevate these humble items into works of art. Think impossibly chic rulers, triangles and pencil sharpeners that will inspire fits of envy among your colleagues/subordinates.

There’s a sense of whimsy in the designs
Disposable paper cups and plates reimagined in sterling silver? Love. Plastic crazy straws reinterpreted in gilded form? Must have. How about a silver “bird’s nest” with Robin eggs, a play on Robin egg blue a.k.a the signature Tiffany Blue? Yes, please! It’s all very wink-wink-nudge-nudge, just the way we like our luxury objects to be.

It doesn’t only cater to grown-ups
Tiffany has a long tradition of proffering ultra-refined (and ultra-adorable) baby gifts. The newest designs feature updated versions of classics such as Steiff teddy bears; cashmere and wool blankets in Tiffany Blue; and sterling silver piggy banks, all of which make excellent family heirlooms.